FREE Guide to lower cholesterol safely
in 30 days!



More Secrets For Lowering Cholesterol

4. Whenever you find yourself craving foods that are high in fat or sodium, use a little negative advertising. As soon as you are aware that you are craving bad food, imagine them in the worst possible light - as mushy, greasy, cold, congealed, and disgusting.

This will make bad-for-your heart food seem much less attractive.

If you find that you crave convenience food, fast food, and other foods you are trying to avoid during the next 30 days, try to find ways to make these foods less attractive.

For example, remember the times you have had terrible fast food or convenience food meals. Ask your friends and family for their dining-out horror stories. Also look up stories about the disgusting things people have found in fast and convenience foods.

Collecting and reading stories about the hairs and other disgusting things that have been found in convenience food will make it seem far less attractive. By making heart healthy food such as vegetables and lean meat more attractive and high-fat food seem more disgusting, you will find it much easier to stick to a low-fat diet without feeling cheated nor deprived.

Secret #2: Make High Cholesterol Harder than Lowered Cholesterol

What this means is that you should make cholesterol-friendly food choices easier for yourself than other bad choices. That way you are far more likely to reach for low-fat, healthy foods objectives over the next 30 days - and hopefully for life! You will also be a lot less likely to cheat on your new eating plan. There are many ways to set yourself up for cholesterol-lowering success:

1. Get rid of bad food and temptations. If you keep biscuits, fried food, and other temptations around, you are more likely to turn to them when you feel hungry. As soon as you find out from your doctor that you need to take care of what you eat due to high cholesterol, go through your kitchen and get rid of the food that you should be getting rid of or at least cutting back on.

Give the bad food away to a friend or a food bank, if you can. Replace your food with lower-fat or healthier alternatives. Also get rid of fliers, advertisements, or menus from take-out places and restaurants. If these things are not in your home, you are far less likely to be tempted.

2. Make your kitchen a heart-healthy place. If you have a deep-fryer, give it away. Invest in parchment paper, non-stick cooking ware, a rice steamer, a wok, and other appliances and gadgets that make heart-healthy and low-fat cooking easier. You do not have to invest a lot of money, just buying parchment paper for lining cooking sheets and getting rid of appliances that are only for high-fat cooking is often enough to make good low-fat cooking almost automatic.

While you are cleaning out your kitchen, try to find ways to make cooking in your kitchen more attractive. Hang up some pretty curtains or just get rid of the clutter. If your kitchen is an enticing place to cook, you are more likely to stay at home rather than be tempted to eat out.

3. Eat in. For the next 30 days, as you work your way to lower your cholesterol, you should eat in and eat foods you have prepared yourself almost all the time. Prepared foods and foods you buy from take-out restaurants and in dining areas do not give you as much control over ingredients and their preparation. When you make your meals yourself though, you can easily reduce how much fat and sodium goes into each meal.

Click here for more Secrets to Lower Cholesterol