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Good News For Lower Cholesterol


Dr. Nicolas Duverger of Gencell in France along with Dr. Caroline Desurmont of the Institut Pasteur in Paris, have been conducting some studies associated with gene therapy. In addition to their hope in finding a good solution to reducing high cholesterol, they have also been studying the elimination of fatty plaques which are associated with a "hardening of the arteries."
 In the future, medical research being done now could provide more effective solutions to elevated cholesterol levels.  In the meantime, however, there are a number of ways you can use today’s newest products and innovations in order to lower your cholesterol.
 To effectively lower high cholesterol, there are a number of key lifestyle changes which can be made, especially to your food and diet.  There are several new products and innovations that can help you reach this goal:
 • Fats/ Margarine
 If you can become accustomed to a lower fat diet you’ll be well on your way to better health.
  New Products to watch for include:
 • Benecol® a margarine that will lower cholesterol by some 10% if used as recommended. It contains sterols derived from pine tree wood pulp, elements which research suggests could help people with high cholesterol. This margarine won’t affect your HDL or "good" cholesterol.
 • Take Control® margarine and salad dressings are made from plant sterols therefore are soy based. They contain sterols which block cholesterol. These sterols have been found to help to lower cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol) even in patients who are already taking statins as cholesterol-lowering drugs.
 Nuts like almonds, pecans, and walnuts have high amounts of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat which helps to lower cholesterol. New studies suggest that eating nuts - and especially almonds with the skin - may be beneficial for those who have elevated cholesterol. In actual fact, if you want to lower your cholesterol, get more of your daily fat intake from fats and less fat intake from animal proteins.

 • Oats and Barley have a soluble fiber known as Beta Glucan which is key in lowering cholesterol. To gain the best cholesterol lowering effects consume from two to four cups of dry oats or barley daily. New research about barley and oats suggests that these two foods may be beneficial in helping those with high cholesterol.

 • Fruits and Vegetables including apples, citrus fruits, berries, carrots, apricots, cabbage and sweet potatoes are quite high in soluble fiber and pectin. Eating at least five servings a day is good for your heart’s health. Many studies have repeatedly proven that fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent for maintaining an overall good health and preventing many serious illnesses.

 • Flaxseeds contain alpha-linolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fat which has been shown in recent research studies to lower cholesterol whilst providing needed soluble fiber.

 • Olive Oil has been proven to effectively lower blood cholesterol. Extra virgin olive oil is considered to offer some of the best results. Using olive oil rather than animal fat can help lower cholesterol and improve your overall health.

 • Fish that contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids prevents blood from clotting and lowers blood cholesterol. Research also shows that omega-3 is good for brain function and overall good health. 

 • When preparing food, adapt to healthy baking, roasting and grilling. Prefer low fat cooking oil sprays. Try to coat your pan to sear in the juices rather than frying.

 • Limit your use of egg yolks by using one egg white only for every egg yolk eaten. You won’t easily notice any difference and you’ll enjoy your egg preparations just the same.

 • Adapt to 1% milk and then to skim milk for optimum health. Try the soy and rice milk, this also goes for cheese, sour cream and ice cream alternatives. They make delicious healthy choices. Try your local health food shop, where you can find many vegan alternatives - including no-milk substitutes.

Read on for Lifestyle Changes and Cholesterol